I stamped the whole page and watercolored it.
One way to build interest in a photo page is to create many layers. So I pulled other papers, make a tag and mounted my picture. Different materials, different mediums, and different sizes all help move your eye around a page. The only thing I was missing was a large pop of something. I didn’t want to distract from the beautiful floral page so I needed to echo it. So I got out my paper and pencil and started drawing an enlarged version of many of the floral stamps.
I watercolored them to match.
In a larger version its fun to see all the patterns and designs these lacy flowers really have.
Next, I cut them out. Excuse my poorly lighted photos. This was a midnight craft session and mid-process photos were tough!
Here is one of my favorite “die cut” tricks. If you don’t want to be drawing or tracing all night to make die cuts, cut them in half! I plan on tucking them behind my papers so you can’t see all the image anyhow. It’s easily doubles your pile. The leaves and small flowers I leave intact. Again, ignore the poor photo!
Then I put it all together.
Here is a closer look at my project.
See you can’t even tell they are cut in half…..shhh, don’t tell anyone!
This is truly a beautiful stamp set.
Happy crafting!
Ashley @magmagandme